sweet revenge This guy wrote a program to call scammers' phone lines 28 times a second Mark Frauenfelder
guillotine watch The Rent's Too Damned High: 15,000 words on the ways real-estate speculation and inequality have killed NYC Cory Doctorow
fake news Prince Harry’s love child, Trump’s revenge, and Teri Hatcher homeless, in this week’s highly dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
fake news Clintons confess, Obama to blame, and Trump triumphs in this week’s tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Saga Volume 6: Proof that awesome, weird, sexy space-opera can be produced to a schedule Cory Doctorow
game of thrones In "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken", Game of Thrones mocks the power of powerful women Rob Beschizza
"Bitter, Sweet, Seoul": a crowdsourced film that reveals life in the Korean megalopolis Colin Marshall