Anonymous in LA comes to terms with the disappearance of his profession.

Anonymous in LA comes to terms with the disappearance of his profession.
In May 2013, "Asperger's Syndrome" will be removed as a diagnosis from the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), leaving "high functioning autism" in its place. I agree with this change. Given the importance of the manual, however, it's caused a lot of consternation and caused me to reflect upon my experiences.
I work with clients in the banking and investment industry and see both the good and the bad. It isn't a "necessary evil"; it just is. People have dreams of… Read the rest of the article: On working with predators in finance
Portrait of a cute mature couple enjoying themselves while preparing food — Yuri Arcurs. All photos courtesy of Shutterstock. Rich and Tasty: Recipes for the New Class Warfare A book… Read the rest of the article: Rich and Tasty: Recipes for the New Class Warfare
For the sake of convenience, let's call this a book review of David Foster Wallace's posthumous unfinished novel, The Pale King. Wallace didn't die a nice, easy-to-get death like cancer or plowed over by someone asleep at the wheel of a defunct school bus. He hanged himself after a protracted battle with depression. People go to books to learn things, and the thing they go to novels to learn is how to be in the world. So the natural question is what should or can we learn from a guy that ended up hanging himself? This is the existential question suicide lends to the work of a person's life. It's the first question, and no others can come before it.