Let me tell you about my favorite spot in all Korea. I won't name it, since I don't want to take the blame when, for other reasons, it inevitably gets… Read the rest of the article: Korean pop music before "K-pop": three six-hour mixes of 70s and 80s hits
Colin Marshall -
Colin Marshall We've already seen, in the pages of Boing Boing, several unions of technology and the aesthetics of Dutch neoplasticist painter Piet Mondrian. We've seen a Mondrian PC, a kinda-sorta Mondrian… Read the rest of the article: Japanese programmer-philosopher makes digital Mondrians — in 1964
Colin Marshall These programs examine the elements on the strength of which these megacities first became and continue to thrive as megacities.
Colin Marshall Has anything interesting appeared on commercial radio since Loveline?
Colin Marshall In his book The Architecture of Happiness, de Botton asks why we fetishize old buildings rather than building new ones even better suited to our age.
Colin Marshall Whenever I travel to a new city, I immediately get to work on a mental map of its coffee shops. I do this in part because they provide the points… Read the rest of the article: "Starbucks Versus the Traveler": a photo-audio essay on the ubiquity of the green mermaid
Colin Marshall Even before I moved to Los Angeles, I set about finding ways to understand it. I knew the city wouldn't make it easy for me, but at least I had… Read the rest of the article: The City in Cinema videos reveal the Los Angeles futures of "Blade Runner," "Strange Days," "Southland Tales," and more
Colin Marshall If you have any interest at all in writing produced by the cultural exchange — or culture clash, if you prefer — between the West and Asia, you might consider… Read the rest of the article: Read chapter one of "Funereal", an upcoming novel of suicide, plastic surgery, and extreme therapy in Korea
Colin Marshall Japanese Basic I – 01 – I'm Yan Watch this video on YouTube. Foreign residents of Tokyo: have you ever run into Yan-san? If so, did you buy him a… Read the rest of the article: "Let's Learn Japanese": the 1984 language-teaching video series still holds up
Colin Marshall [MAIN_MOVIE_ENG] 'BITTER, SWEET, SEOUL' / '고진감래' Watch this video on YouTube.
Colin Marshall Radio Shack Sells Really Expensive Cell Phones in 1987 Watch this video on YouTube. I suppose one shouldn't make light of the dying, but Radio Shack, as moribund a nationwide… Read the rest of the article: Radio Shack's happier days, when it sold $2495 cellphones
Colin Marshall Though I appreciate a well-made physical book, I don't collect the things aggressively as some do. Yet I can't suppress my desire to possess certain, highly specific volumes. At the… Read the rest of the article: "God Hates Japan": the Douglas Coupland novel that may never appear in English
Colin Marshall Los Angeles is beautiful — there, I've stirred up a controversy already. But photographer Noé Montes has already out done me by making that claim not just in words but… Read the rest of the article: Photographer Noé Montes shoots Los Angeles like you've never seen it
Colin Marshall I've lamented the pathetic state of American vending machine culture versus the advanced state of Japan's, but as with anything else in this giant and often complacent country, you've got… Read the rest of the article: Seattle's possibly-haunted "Mystery Coke Machine"
Colin Marshall DJ Chad Kirton Watch this video on YouTube. Recording my podcast Notebook on Cities and Culture's Korea Tour last summer, I had some of the most fun hanging out with… Read the rest of the article: How Chad Kirton went from a kid in Saskatchewan to a rapper in Korea
Colin Marshall City of Imagination: Kowloon Walled City 20 Years Later Watch this video on YouTube. I have only two major urban regrets: that I'll never get to see Portsmouth's Tricorn Centre,… Read the rest of the article: Kowloon Walled City was the densest—and most interesting?—place on Earth
Colin Marshall Operation Blue Line w the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Watch this video on YouTube. As a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle enthusiast in childhood and a Los Angeles rapid transit enthusiast… Read the rest of the article: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles save Los Angeles rail transit in "Operation Blue Line" (1990)
Colin Marshall "Ruby: The Adventures of a Galactic Gumshoe" is free for one week only.
Colin Marshall For more than seven years now, I've hosted and produced long-form interview podcasts. On Notebook on Cities and Culture, which I began a little over three years ago, I've taken… Read the rest of the article: 40+ hour podcast interview tour of South Korea
Colin Marshall For years, I've followed Craig Mod, a designer and essayist who splits his time between New York and Tokyo and who thinks about such subjects as photography, air travel, Haruki… Read the rest of the article: Here's the rare American publisher who understands the printed book