Real things that actually exist New Hostess iced lattes flavored like Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and other snack cakes Rusty Blazenhoff
Real things you can actually buy And we've come full circle: Carrying straps for wireless AirPods Rusty Blazenhoff
Real things that actually exist Hamdy Canes, ham-flavored candy canes for the holidays Rusty Blazenhoff
Real things that actually exist Soft, big Lucky Charms marshmallows headed to stores Rusty Blazenhoff
Real things that actually exist This cereal sippy cup mixes in the milk as you drink it Rusty Blazenhoff
Real things that actually exist KFC introduces a firelog that smells like greasy fried chicken Rusty Blazenhoff
Tom the Dancing Bug Four years of Trumpist surrealism and horror in one Book: Into the Trumpverse, comics by Ruben Bolling Boing Boing