Hey weirdo, the Pagan Breakfast God Mask has arrived

Bow down before the one you serve… breakfast to! There's never been a doubt that the folks at Archie McPhee have a weird sense of humor. In fact, we count…

Bow down before the one you serve… breakfast to!

There's never been a doubt that the folks at Archie McPhee have a weird sense of humor. In fact, we count on it. Case in point, their latest offering: the Pagan Breakfast God Mask ($17.95). Bacon, check. Eggs, check. Toast with butter, check. Weird as all get out, CHECK.

Yours truly, this past summer when I was at the Archie McPhee HQ recording a podcast (and rocking the Pagan Breakfast God-dess Mask which I've had to keep hush-hush until now!).

photos by Archie McPhee and David Wahl