france Real-life "Spider-Man" scales Parisian building to save dangling child, gets rewarded with citizenship Rusty Blazenhoff
economics Modern Monetary Theory: why government spending isn't like household checkbooks Cory Doctorow
hamilton A powerful, political Hamilton mixtape music video and the #Ham4All challenge Caroline Siede
hamilton Watch: The music video for Lin-Manuel Miranda's 'Immigrants' from 'The Hamilton Mixtape' Rusty Blazenhoff
fake news What Megyn Kelly is hiding, Bill Cosby found guilty, and Tom Cruise’s hair plugs, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
uspoli When Mike Pence came to Hamilton, the cast added a special afterword, just for him Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Rebecca Solnit's open letter to Trump: You should really visit New York some time Cory Doctorow
politics Watch Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, Mike Bloomberg speeches at 2016 DNC (Video) Xeni Jardin
politics Minuteman co-founder gets 19½ years for sexually abusing 5-year-old. All 3 of his daughters say they're also victims. Xeni Jardin
President Obama's tech-centered State of the Union: full text, and digital rights concerns Xeni Jardin