America has no fire drill for economic uncertainty. What is going to happen today, April 1st, in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic, when everyone's rent, mortgages, and bills are… Read the rest of the article: Social security for all — for now

America has no fire drill for economic uncertainty. What is going to happen today, April 1st, in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic, when everyone's rent, mortgages, and bills are… Read the rest of the article: Social security for all — for now
My friend Maureen Herman (former bassist for Babes in Toyland) is writing a book called "It's a Memoir, Motherfucker." Here's an excerpt in which she gives her account of living… Read the rest of the article: It’s World Mental Health Day: A primer on depression for the public-at-large
People make mistakes. They commit crimes. Sometimes they pull their erect dick out and start masturbating in front of female colleagues. Louis C.K. recently performed for the first time since… Read the rest of the article: Someone pulled their dick out: Louis C.K. and the #MeToo movement
Opioid overdoses now kill more Americans every year than guns, breast cancer, or car accidents. 20 million Americans suffer from addiction to alcohol, illicit, or prescription drugs. On the second… Read the rest of the article: Public ignorance about “drunk/drugged up losers” is expensive and deadly
'Me Too' March In Hollywood Hopes To Shed Light On Sexual Harassment Watch this video on YouTube. I met Jackie Fox of the Runaways in 2015 after I wrote an… Read the rest of the article: Notes from the #MeToo march: thoughts and prayers can't right what is wrong
We are all familiar with the marquee protests in American history: the 1963 March on Washington, the 1969 anti-Vietnam War protest, and the 2017 post-inaugural Women's March. This weekend in… Read the rest of the article: Standing up by sitting down: the overlooked power of the sit-in
Last week, I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly uninsurable. While tracking the Trumpcare vote (AHCA), I… Read the rest of the article: It’s Mental Health Awareness Month: Trumpcare’s dangerous impact on mental health care
Not since the Reagan era cold war with Russia has apocalyptic awareness been so forefront in the public’s mind. Disturbing incidents ranging from nuclear football Facebook selfies to alarming North… Read the rest of the article: Climate change: Apocalypse by 1000 cuts
With 100 frames of incongruously playful observation connected only by authorship, wit, and uncanny brilliance, The Portable February is a Cliff’s Notes thesis on existence, told in line drawings and… Read the rest of the article: The Portable February grabs the reader like an LSD-dosed college professor who hijacked a tourist bus
Via a Freedom of Information Act request, Yellowstone National Park recently reported the tragic details of an accident last summer, where a 23 year old man dissolved after an illegal… Read the rest of the article: Man attempts illegal soak in Yellowstone acidic hot pool, is reduced to wallet and flip-flops
As U.S. headlines bombard us with proof of how low humanity can go, here's a look at a happy, peaceful, and prosperous country — The Netherlands — to remind us… Read the rest of the article: Yes, humans are capable of creating a happy and successful liberal society: The Netherlands
Disney just announced that Doc McStuffins, an animated show starring an African-American girl who fixes broken toys and wants to be a doctor, is renewed for its fifth season. Described… Read the rest of the article: Disney’s "Doc McStuffins" renewed after Twitter campaign: female African-American is its rare protagonist
We have a new leader in America. Known for his distinct regional accent and often seen wearing a baseball cap at rallies, he starred in a show on NBC, and… Read the rest of the article: Michael Moore’s to do list for a revolution: an intervention for liberals
Hi Kid, On Election Night, you went to bed crying, and this time, I couldn't fix it. Like half the country, you thought you would be going to bed with… Read the rest of the article: Letter to my black daughter under a Trump presidency
Oh, just the 7th largest gathering of humans in history happened last week. Five million of the most patient humans in the world — Cubs fans — descended on Chicago's… Read the rest of the article: Curses, superstition, and slaughtered billy goats: why the Cubs World Series win means your vote matters
Sinatra’s bastard son covers "California Über Alles" by The Dead Kennedys – while getting dressed Watch this video on YouTube. In keeping with Boing Boing’s mission of being a “directory… Read the rest of the article: Sinatra’s bastard son covers "California Über Alles" by The Dead Kennedys – while suiting up
With the cacophony of an election year ablaze with unparalleled drama being fought on the front lines of Twitter, we find ourselves slowing down and staring at it like a… Read the rest of the article: Halt and Catch Fire: The Most Relevant Show on Television is Set in the 80s
The Republican National Convention will have an unwelcome soundtrack this week from activist supergroup Prophets of Rage.
On Sunday, June 12, Santa Monica Police arrested James Wesley Howell, 20, of Indiana. His car was found with long rifles, magazine clips, boxes of bullets, a rifle scope, and… Read the rest of the article: Police arrest man with guns headed to L.A. Pride
There it was on my Facebook feed this week: Trending: Prince. Why was Prince a trending topic when he’d been found dead a month ago? Then I learned his official… Read the rest of the article: Prince: death by ignorance and fear