coronavirus There will be no new comic books in any stores "until further notice," thanks to coronavirus. Thom Dunn
scholarship Bernie Sanders got the GAO to study the life chances of millennials, and the report concludes that debt is "crushing their dreams" Cory Doctorow
economics Profile of Mariana Mazzucato, the economist who's swaying both left and right politicians with talk of "the entrepreneurial state" Cory Doctorow
economics A layperson-friendly introduction to MMT, a heterodox school of economics that could finance a Green New Deal Cory Doctorow
books Why are we still treating economics as if it were an empirical science that makes reliable predictions? Cory Doctorow
economics "Productivity" is a perfect example of the pseudscience underpinning economics Cory Doctorow
Business New York City raised minimum wage to $15, and its restaurants outperformed the nation Cory Doctorow
economics We could fund the transition to green energy with 10-30% of the world's fossil fuel subsidy Cory Doctorow
Old school In 1943, the chairman of the NY Fed backed Modern Monetary Theory: "Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete" Cory Doctorow