finance The rent's less damned high: rents falling in most of America's most expensive cities Cory Doctorow
Business Structural Separation: antitrust's tried-and-true weapon for monopolists who bottleneck markets Cory Doctorow
scholarship Report from the Fed reveals that "economic growth" is a highly localized phenomena, masking widespread financial desperation Cory Doctorow
corruption Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz calls neoliberalism "a failed ideology" and sketches out a "progressive capitalism" to replace it Cory Doctorow
scholarship Gabriel Zucman: the Piketty-trained "wealth detective" who catalogued the secret fortunes of the super-rich and figured out how to tax them Cory Doctorow
Business AT&T's dystopian advertising vision perfectly illustrates the relationship between surveillance and monopoly Cory Doctorow
videos Watch: Tim Wu debates trustbusting with Tyler Cowen, who just wrote "a love letter" to Big Business Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Buried in Uber's IPO, an aggressive plan to destroy all public transit Cory Doctorow