hucksters Fox News terrorism expert indicted for lying about his career as CIA officer Mark Frauenfelder
hucksters People believe they will be healed by gazing at a video feed of this guy's face Mark Frauenfelder
drugs A sober look at kratom, a psychoactive plant that has many claimed benefits, and has also inspired a moral panic Cory Doctorow
fraud How the patent office's lax standards gave Elizabeth Holmes the BS patents she needed to defraud investors and patients Cory Doctorow
racism Machine learning hucksters invent an AI racist uncle that predicts your personality from your facial bone structure Cory Doctorow
Business Dystopia watch: American schools are installing anti-shooter smoke cannons and bulletproof doors Cory Doctorow
Coffee Gwyneth Paltrow wants you to squirt coffee up your asshole using this $135 glass jar Cory Doctorow
politics NPR tracks down "fake news" entrepreneur claiming up to $30,000 a month from ads: "I have a beautiful life" Rob Beschizza
happy mutants The Attention Merchants: a deep dive into the origins of the surveillance economy Cory Doctorow