Technology Upload a photo of anyone to this site to find more images around the internet of that person Xeni Jardin
Technology IBM to exit facial recognition business, opposes use of AI technology for mass surveillance Xeni Jardin
Games This AI re-created a playable version of Pac-Man just by watching 50,000 episodes of gameplay Mark Frauenfelder
facebook 'GrokNet', the AI behind Facebook Shops, looks for body type, skin tone, location, socioeconomic class in photos Xeni Jardin
Technology Clearview AI promises to cancel accounts that aren't law enforcement or government entities Xeni Jardin
Business Businesses and stores are adding AI to security cameras for social distancing and mask-wearing compliance Xeni Jardin
Business More reporting links Clearview AI to Trump-aligned racists, neo-Nazis, and alt-right trolls Xeni Jardin