Watch Billie Eilish interviewed by an A.I.

Billie Eilish Gets Interviewed By a Robot | Vogue

Billie Eilish Gets Interviewed By a Robot | Vogue Watch this video on YouTube. Creative technologist Nicole He modified OpenAI's GPT-2 language model to generate questions for happy mutant pop…

Creative technologist Nicole He modified OpenAI's GPT-2 language model to generate questions for happy mutant pop star Billie Eilish and also write Eilish-esque lyrics. Vogue Magazine published Eilish's answers to the AI's wonderfully odd questions like: "Who consumed so much of your power in one go?" and "Have you ever seen the ending?"

"What I really loved hearing Billie say was that human interviewers often ask the same questions over and over," He tweeted, "and she appreciated that the AI questions don’t have an agenda in the same way, they’re not trying to get anything from her."

Though of course, as with all AI, there was a high level of human intervention—it was trained by me (with GPT-2), and the questions were also hand-picked from the results. I think it’s a good example of how AI can help enhance human creativity."