trump chumps Jimmy Kimmel pokes fun at congressman who got caught tweeting fake photo Mark Frauenfelder
trump chumps Rep. Paul Gosar defends use of fake photo depicting Obama shaking hands with Iranian president Mark Frauenfelder
music Eddy Grant sues Trump campaign for copyright infringement over "Electric Avenue" David Pescovitz
tabloids Jeffrey Epstein’s prison confession, the world’s most dangerous woman, and the end of the world, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
politics Here's where Donald Trump is dining with rich donors tonight, raising $10 million with tickets at $580,600 per couple Xeni Jardin
nonsense Trump perfects his gibberish today while babbling about Biden's economic plan Carla Sinclair
trump Michael Cohen sent back to jail after being seen dining in Manhattan while on house arrest Rob Beschizza
MeidasTouch On Trump's tax returns, "Supreme Loser" video tells Trump, "You lost. Bigly." Carla Sinclair
GOP Convention Mitch McConnell is 7th senator to back away from the Republican National Convention Carla Sinclair
"creepy trump" New ad starring Kellyanne Conway highlights Trump's creepy relationship with his daughters Carla Sinclair
statues Melania statue in Slovenia is removed after it was burned by mysterious "vandals" Carla Sinclair
voter suppression Trump's campaign against mail-in voting is backfiring by discouraging Republican absentee voters Thom Dunn
News SCOTUS rules Donald Trump financial records must be released to NY DA, but House won't get tax returns before election Xeni Jardin
education Harvard and MIT are suing over the Trump administration's student immigration ruling Thom Dunn
sponsored If Cannabis Is “A Potential Way To Prevent COVID-19” Then Why Is Trump Blocking Research? Boing Boing