tabloids America set to be nuked, anarchy in the US, and the men who knew too much, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
#blacklivesmatter Homeland Security analyst filmed telling black teen girl, “You don’t deserve to be here” Mark Frauenfelder
Business Trump tweets crazy lies about NBC and Google Ads demonetizing far-right sites (they didn't) Xeni Jardin
racism Stop using the BLM hashtag on your black square (better yet, take it down and start listening and amplifying) Rusty Blazenhoff
Technology Arizona AG sues Google over claims Android user location data was collected even when digital tracking off Xeni Jardin
tabloids Kim Jong-un is dead, Prince Andrew is broke, and Kobe Bryant killed himself, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
facebook 'GrokNet', the AI behind Facebook Shops, looks for body type, skin tone, location, socioeconomic class in photos Xeni Jardin
Business Facebook helps launch American Edge, lobbying group in DC to fight antitrust regulators Xeni Jardin
Business House Judiciary demands Jeff Bezos testify on Amazon's alleged misuse of third-party seller data Xeni Jardin
coronavirus Australian mayor caught on camera drinking in public just hours after he warned public to stay at home Carla Sinclair
elections Wisconsin Supreme Court rules governor can't postpone Tuesday presidential primary Xeni Jardin