#ClimateChange Trevor Noah smacks around Trump and other climate change deniers on The Daily Show Seamus Bellamy
tabloids Hollywood hypocrites tearing America apart and rioters battling to destroy the United States, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Gadgets You can get 5 of these best selling apps for over 90% off their regular price Boing Boing's Shop
futility closet In the winter of 1931, a mysterious fugitive led police on a 300-kilometer chase through northern Canada Futility Closet
class war When the HR department is a robotic phrenologist: "face-scanning algorithm" gains popularity as a job-applicant screener Cory Doctorow
happy mutants J Michael Straczynski's "Becoming Superman": a memoir of horrific abuse, war crimes, perseverance, trauma, triumph and doing what's right Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Building a high-performance cluster of Gameboy emulators to teach computers to play video games Cory Doctorow
Science 'There is no God': Stephen Hawking's final book has 'Brief Answers to the Big Questions' Rusty Blazenhoff
Science Why Indonesia's Bajau people can stay submerged under water longer than you or me Seamus Bellamy
Copyfight The myth of the "genius creator" requires that we ignore the people they build on, or insist they don't matter Cory Doctorow
crime Mladic the genocide: a moment of silence for the Balkans' lost lives, honor and credibility Jasmina Tesanovic