makers Activist blacksmith teaches gun violence survivors to melt down guns and turn them into farm implements Cory Doctorow
tabloids Coronavirus can make you fat, the Queen is still dying, and a sex tape nightmare, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
communism Britney Spears calls for wealth distribution and a general strike amidst coronavirus shutdown Thom Dunn
tabloids Aretha Franklin murdered, Kevin Spacey in slaying scandal, and Obama’s secret lover, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
grand old pedophiles Tucker Carlson concedes child rape is "unpopular" in passionate defense of child rape Rob Beschizza
tabloids Exposed! Tucker Carlson’s secret addiction, Meghan Markle’s secret “sister,” and Royal Family secrets, in this week’s fact-challenged tabloids Peter Sheridan
fake news JFK Jr. murdered, Princess Diana murdered, and Prince George targeted by assassin, in this week’s killer tabloids Peter Sheridan
Google Translate Songs mangled by Google Translate, as sung by Idris Elba and Jimmy Fallon Rusty Blazenhoff
videos The Russian Britney Spears Instagram hackers also used satellites to hide their tracks Cory Doctorow
picks Russian malware communicates by leaving comments in Britney Spears's Instagram account Cory Doctorow
sad Christian mom infuriated, tearful after hearing Hip Hop song, which she then recites in full (Update: remixes!) Rob Beschizza