I hate to yuck you out before the holidays … … and I really love Japan … … but this is just gross. It’s a Japanese delicacy called “Katsu ika… Read the rest of the article: Zombie Dancing Squid!

I hate to yuck you out before the holidays … … and I really love Japan … … but this is just gross. It’s a Japanese delicacy called “Katsu ika… Read the rest of the article: Zombie Dancing Squid!
Presently hovering between Halloween and Christmas, after watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and on the way to A Charlie Brown Christmas. I was seven years old when Charlie… Read the rest of the article: Enjoying the melancholy undercurrent of Charlie Brown television specials
No no no no no. This must be, has to be, I really hope it is … a joke. But (or butt) it’s not a joke: a reproduction of your… Read the rest of the article: Your Anus in Chocolate
Watch this video on YouTube. John Lewis and Partners is a well-known general department store in Great Britain. It’s the type of old-fashioned department store that, like the late and… Read the rest of the article: De-aged Elton John for Christmas gets some likes and some hates
SWISS MISHAP Watch this video on YouTube. This unlucky guy tried hang gliding in Switzerland. His instructor failed to attach him to the glider. Watch this video and prepare to… Read the rest of the article: Man in hang glider fails to strap in properly, hangs by his hands for dear life
The Japanese are extremely proud of their pottery, which is among the finest in the world. And with the special place the Tea Ceremony holds in Japanese culture, tea cups… Read the rest of the article: Eat the Teacup, It’s Delicious
Just over two years ago I posted a video here titled “I Will Always Remember You.” Among the many pieces I’ve done for Boing Boing both before and after, it… Read the rest of the article: Foster an Orphan Elephant
Franz Harary Whitewater High School Band Appearance Watch this video on YouTube. You likely haven’t heard of magician Franz Harary, an American whose fame and fortune have come from performing… Read the rest of the article: Franz Harary Produces a Marching Band
As a tail-end Baby Boomer, many memories of the early 1960s linger even as I’ve just turned 60 (of which I can only say, Holy She-it!). The talented jingle composers… Read the rest of the article: The Glory of the Fluffernutter
I was in New York City this past weekend—a place where no one uses the word “Manhattan”—and spent some time fighting the other pedestrians in order to walk down the… Read the rest of the article: New York Filmed in 1929 with Sound
When I was a little kid, really little, my mother used to take me to a luncheonette in Rego Park, Queens, where there was a model train running on a… Read the rest of the article: Spend 5 Minutes as a Piece of Sushi
Many movie stars who would never deign to lower themselves to making TV commercials in the United States have been cashing in by doing exactly that overseas for years, knowing… Read the rest of the article: Hollywood Stars in Bizarre Japanese TV Commercials
Via the miracle of society's visual memory on Youtube, you can see the entire cast of Gilligan's Island reunited on a Fox talk show in 1988. Watch this video on… Read the rest of the article: The Cast of Gilligan's Island Reunited in 1988
The wonderful French expression Trompe L’oeil—which translates to “fools the eye”—in this case describes a type of painting, done on the pavement, which is making the roads safer for people… Read the rest of the article: Cross the street in Iceland and float through the air
Continuing my lead up to Thanksgiving with yet another post displaying the highest in class and culture, today I am pleased to share with you one of the most disgusting… Read the rest of the article: The Snotty Chef
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! I’ve watched a lot of British TV in my day, but never have I seen anything like Mrs. Brown’s Boys. I’ve about pissed me self laughin’!… Read the rest of the article: Check out Mrs. Brown's Boys
My mother used to make an incredible grilled cheese sandwich. It was neither greasy nor too buttery, but simultaneously buttery and toasty. The bread was pan fried golden brown with… Read the rest of the article: This Amazing Crazy “Tiny” Drink is a Meal for Two @nerdvana
I was kerplotzing around the internet today and upon seeing this video had the craziest thought: I’ve been in this place. Now since it involves free diving in the world’s… Read the rest of the article: The Deepest Dive of My Dreams
Stoffel, the honey badger that can escape from anywhere! – BBC Watch this video on YouTube. From a nature show on BBC 2, here's the story of a Honey Badger… Read the rest of the article: Houdini Honey Badger Escapes Every Time
Just one of those odd internetal coincidences: the meeting of The Godfather of Soul, Cup Noodles, and a big-bucks doodad for wealthy folks in Japan. Let’s start with the show,… Read the rest of the article: James Brown and the $600 Cup Noodle Cooker