Gadgets These moving, 3D wooden mechanical models are as gorgeous as they are crazy cool Boing Boing's Shop
airlines United: woman in Marvel "Black Panther" hat is a threat to passengers, but man in "Rope. Tree. Journalist" shirt is just sharing his opinion Rob Beschizza
health The target date for eradicating Guinea worm has been delayed 10 years, and that may be overly optimistic John Struan
eu The EU could give every European the #RightToRepair, but lobbyists will kill it unless we take action! Ugo Vallauri
surveillance German government giving up on digital reassembly of shredded Stasi files, resorting to manual puzzlings Cory Doctorow
surveillance West coast jurisdictions advance community oversight of police surveillance Shahid Buttar
Civlib France declares state of emergency, gives government Web-blocking, device search powers Cory Doctorow
privacy California legislature wants to mandate radio-readable driver's licenses (CALL NOW!) Cory Doctorow