Gadgets Learn how to utilize WordPress to its full potential with the help of these training classes Boing Boing's Shop
Gadgets Organize, power up and store all your tech in one simple, efficient desktop super station Boing Boing's Shop
books The sexy medical researcher in this bestselling 1991 romance novel was based on Anthony Fauci David Pescovitz
Comic Books Here's another example of one cartoonist swiping another cartoonist's work Mark Frauenfelder
social distancing These puppets sing a sexy slow jam for when you want to get down while social distancing Thom Dunn
Republicans Do you have what it takes to be this guy's "Awesome Republican Goddess?" Take the quiz! Thom Dunn
fox news Fox News' Brit Hume posts website screenshot with "Sexy Vixen Vinyl" in other tab Rob Beschizza
Gadgets One of these trusty multi-tools or pocket knives could be a virtual lifesaver Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids Your dollar bills could kill you, and Prince Andrew tries to kill himself, in this week’s dubious tabloids. Peter Sheridan
music Smoking video for Wilco's Mikael Jorgensen and The Kin's Isaac Koren's sexy, simmering, and brilliant Nat King Cole cover David Pescovitz
Real things you can actually buy Gwyneth Paltrow's got a $75 "smells like my vagina" candle Rusty Blazenhoff