tabloids America set to be nuked, anarchy in the US, and the men who knew too much, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants 88 Names: Matt Ruff's MMORPG heist novel is "Snow Crash meets the King and I" Cory Doctorow
science fiction Kevin Kelly discusses "Fall, or Dodge in Hell" with author Neal Stephenson Gareth Branwyn
tabloids Prince Harry begs forgiveness, the Queen shops Prince Andrew to the Feds, and Kirstie Alley’s secret life, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
futility closet In 1952, New Zealander Tom Neale set out to live alone on a desert island Futility Closet
tabloids Predator priests, Game of Thrones, and why Italians don’t use Viagra, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Business Genetic genealogy company Gedmatch acquired by company with ties to FBI & law enforcement—why you should be worried Jennifer Lynch
futility closet Socialite Rose O'Neal Greenhow was a surprising spy for the Confederacy Futility Closet
Delightful Creatures This website gives you a scrollable tour of sea life from the surface to the inky depths Mark Frauenfelder
politics The Oligarch Game: use coin-tosses to demonstrate "winner take all" and its power to warp perceptions Cory Doctorow
surveillance #NothingButDragnet: EFF calls on @Shaq to stop endorsing police partnerships with Amazon's creepy, surveilling Ring doorbells Cory Doctorow