coronavirus Wholesale restaurant supply chain opens to the public for the first time — I left with TP, milk, and more (photos/tips) Rusty Blazenhoff
native americans That time George Washington ordered "total destruction and devastation" of the Haudenosaunee Thom Dunn
Gadgets Save over 90% on a 2-year subscription to Iconscout's unlimited icons plan Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids Roy Horn lives, China lied, and Murder Hornets Swarm America, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Gadgets Enhance your Zoom calls and Twitch streams with this best-selling software Boing Boing's Shop
Technology Amazon used a China firm on U.S. blacklist for thermal cameras to monitor workers for COVID-19 fever Xeni Jardin
Science Maybe the coronavirus emanated from a China research lab after all, say US and UK intelligence Xeni Jardin
COVID-19 Politico asked 34 big thinkers to predict how the coronapocalypse will permanently change our world Gareth Branwyn
Entertainment Boris and the Bomb: a fast paced and funny indie flick that is now on Amazon Prime Jason Weisberger
tabloids Coronavirus cured (again), Britain’s Royals clash (again) and the woman who pees alcohol (unprecedented) in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan