elections Occupy activists and Sanders-backed progressives are fighting (and winning!) local elections across the USA Cory Doctorow
elections New Yorkers: if you want to vote in the 2018 Democratic primary, you have to register by Oct 13 Cory Doctorow
uk Thanks to the EU, the UK's privacy law may solve the mystery of Facebook and the last US election Cory Doctorow
News DHS informs 21 states that Russian hackers attacked their voting systems in 2016 election Xeni Jardin
politics An Illinois gubernatorial hopeful will spring all low-level drug offenders from jail Cory Doctorow
health Establishment Dems worried they'll get primaried if they don't back single-payer healthcare Cory Doctorow
corruption Days before elections, the official in charge of Kenya's voting machines has been tortured and murdered Cory Doctorow
law Defcon vote-hacking village shows that "secure" voting machines can be broken in minutes Cory Doctorow
security Facebook pitches in $500K to launch Harvard effort to fight election hacking and propaganda attacks Xeni Jardin
politics Paul Ryan's Democratic challenger is a veteran, an iron-worker, union organizer, cancer survivor and Berniecrat Cory Doctorow
security The 2016 elections taught us to watch for attacks that undermine the legitimacy of elections Cory Doctorow
uk The Tories' failed £1.2m social smear ads reveal callouses on our attention’s tender spots Cory Doctorow