For the first time, Jeremy Corbyn overtakes Theresa May in UK polls

Nearly two weeks after the Tories lost their majority in an own-goal election lost despite the use of allegedly unassailable media-manipulation techniques, Prime Minister Theresa May has been edged out…

Nearly two weeks after the Tories lost their majority in an own-goal election lost despite the use of allegedly unassailable media-manipulation techniques, Prime Minister Theresa May has been edged out in the polls by Jeremy Corbyn, who is now the person the largest proportion of Britons would like to see in Number 10.

Corbyn had been systematically rubbished by his own party and by the press, but has been unwavering throughout, and, notably, showed up to the site of the Grenfell Tower fire to meet with people (and later demand that they be given places to live in the empty millionaires' flats that fill Kensington like so many safe-deposit boxes in the sky).

Meanwhile, PM May — whose party voted down fire-safety measures for housing, while her friend and ally Boris Johnson cut funding to the fire brigades — refused to to meet with the people of Grenfell, possibly because she feared they'd turn into an angry mob like all the other actual British people she meets.

May is clinging to the PM's seat by her fingernails, through a nonbinding agreement with the DUP, a party with well-documented connections to terrorists, who believe the Earth is 5,000 years old, and whose anti-gay, anti-woman policies will stick to the Tories if they're unlucky enough to actually govern with them.

The YouGov survey for The Times found that 35 per cent of respondents thought the Labour leader would make the country's best leader.

Ms May was a point behind on 34 per cent, while 30 per cent said they were unsure.

It is the first time Mr Corbyn has beaten Ms May since she became prime minister and this despite the Tories being more than 20 points ahead of Labour when Ms May called for a general election in April.

A similar poll conducted on the eve of the general election, found that 43 per cent of people thought Ms May would make the best prime minister, while 32 per cent opted for Mr Corbyn and 26 per cent were unsure.

Jeremy Corbyn overtakes Theresa May for first time as voters' choice for best Prime Minister, poll finds
[Chloe Farand/Independent]

(via Naked Capitalism)

(Image: S4RK/b3ta)