picks Police killing of Philando Castile a reminder Second Amendment and NRA campaigns don't apply to Black people Xeni Jardin
picks #FalconHeights: Philando Castile shot dead by police on camera “for no reason at all” Xeni Jardin
picks Drinking milk at school while black: Student arrested for larceny over 65-cent milk and racism Xeni Jardin
picks 'She out! She out!' Video shows high school official choking 15 year old girl unconscious Xeni Jardin
Copyfight 'We Shall Overcome' copyright may be overcome by same lawyers who freed 'Happy Birthday' into public domain Xeni Jardin
police brutality Cleveland wants Tamir Rice's family to pay the EMS bill generated by killing him (UPDATE: Claim withdrawn) Rob Beschizza
police Justice Department to investigate SF Police, as protests over Mario Woods killing continue Xeni Jardin
surveillance Truth and Power: New TV series on ordinary people exposing corruption from Brian Knappenberger ('Internet's Own Boy') Xeni Jardin
human rights As jury deliberates in Freddie Gray death trial, Baltimore schools warn students not to protest Xeni Jardin
health Mentally ill man jailed over $5 worth of snacks dies in cell after waiting months for mental health care Xeni Jardin
racism Here's the video NYPD released of a plainclothes cop brutally attacking tennis star James Blake Xeni Jardin
politics #BlackLivesMatter activists are monitored by U.S. Homeland Security and cybersecurity firms Xeni Jardin
racism Why "All Lives Matter" instead of "Black Lives Matter" is such a stupid thing to say Xeni Jardin
police McKinney “Pool Party” police officer Eric Casebolt resigns after video of teen abuse goes viral Xeni Jardin