Texas releases full police dashcam video of Sandra Bland's arrest


The Texas Department of Public Safety has just released what is said to be a complete and unedited police dashcam video recording of the arrest of Sandra Bland. An altercation begins around 9 minutes in.

As Rob Beschizza wrote earlier today, her death at the hands of a Texas police officer is now being investigated as a murder.

sandra bland

Sandra Bland was pulled over for failing to signal a turn in Waller County, Texas. She was arrested and taken to the cells, where she died three days later. Police claim she killed herself, but her family says they're lying and police don't have a good answer for why she was there in the first place. After a national outcry, her death is being investigated as a murder.

Waller County is, as you can imagine, racist as all hell.

Her arrest—filmed and posted online by YouTube user Shazzam1294—shows Bland being held on the ground with an officer atop her:

Sandra Bland's Arrest

The police department

surveillance video, with multiple cuts, apparently showing officers discovering Bland's body and and EMS personnel removing it from her cell.