law The TRUE Fees Act: legislative proposal to force cable/ISP companies to advertise the true cost of their services, inclusive of surcharges Cory Doctorow
News New privacy hires at WhatsApp: Nate Cardozo (EFF), Robyn Greene (Open Technology Institute) Xeni Jardin
privacy You know who does creepier stuff with your data than Cambridge Analytica? Your ISP Cory Doctorow
Business Facebook's security is like a "college campus," but they face threats like a "defense contractor" Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump's FCC redefines "effective competition" to include having only one ISP in your county Cory Doctorow
mental illness It’s Mental Health Awareness Month: Trumpcare’s dangerous impact on mental health care Maureen Herman
Business The only person to go to prison for a string of corporate pollution scandals was a crusading scientist who exposed them Cory Doctorow
Institute for the Future What I learned after spending two days with futurists and positive psychologists Mark Frauenfelder
picks Irregularities in New York primary robbed some of right to vote, say Sanders supporters and officials Xeni Jardin