Make: a machine-learning toy on open-source hardware

Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51 Watch this video on YouTube. In the latest Adafruit video (previously) the proprietors, Limor "ladyada" Friend and Phil…

Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51

In the latest Adafruit video (previously) the proprietors, Limor "ladyada" Friend and Phil Torrone, explain the basics of machine learning, with particular emphasis on the difference between computing a model (hard) and implementing the model (easy and simple enough to run on relatively low-powered hardware), and then they install and run Tensorflow Light on a small, open-source handheld and teach it to distinguish between someone saying "No" and someone saying "Yes," in just a few minutes. It's an interesting demonstration of the theory that machine learning may be most useful in tiny, embedded, offline processors. (via Beyond the Beyond)