police Chicago PD's predictive policing tool has been shut down after 8 years of catastrophically bad results Cory Doctorow
privacy "Edge AI": encapsulating machine learning classifiers in lightweight, energy-efficient, airgapped chips Cory Doctorow
Business The bubbles in VR, cryptocurrency and machine learning are all part of the parallel computing bubble Cory Doctorow
computer science Wireheading: when machine learning systems jolt their reward centers by cheating Cory Doctorow
elections A vast network of shadowy news sites promote conservative talking points mixed with floods of algorithmically generated "news" Cory Doctorow
china A Wechat-based "mobile court" presided over by a chatbot has handled 3m legal procedures since March Cory Doctorow
security Model stealing, rewarding hacking and poisoning attacks: a taxonomy of machine learning's failure modes Cory Doctorow
AI Second wave Algorithmic Accountability: from "What should algorithms do?" to "Should we use an algorithm?" Cory Doctorow
Funny Cards Against Humanity's Thanksgiving livestream pits a machine learning model against human joke writers Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tiny alterations in training data can introduce "backdoors" into machine learning models Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Naomi Kritzer's "Catfishing on the CatNet": an AI caper about the true nature of online friendship Cory Doctorow
Copyfight "Affordances": a new science fiction story that climbs the terrible technology adoption curve Cory Doctorow
Kids Educational spyware company to school boards: hire us to spy on your kids and we'll help you sabotage teachers' strikes Cory Doctorow
class war When the HR department is a robotic phrenologist: "face-scanning algorithm" gains popularity as a job-applicant screener Cory Doctorow
scholarship Training bias in AI "hate speech detector" means that tweets by Black people are far more likely to be censored Cory Doctorow
computer science "Intellectual Debt": It's bad enough when AI gets its predictions wrong, but it's potentially WORSE when AI gets it right Cory Doctorow
Science Scite: a tool to find out if a scientific paper has been supported or contradicted since its publication Cory Doctorow