Business Disgraced Equifax CEO blames 145.5 million-record breach on a single forgetful flunky Cory Doctorow
videos Incredible Doom: a new Patreon-supported comic about "teens in the 90s getting into life and death situations online" Cory Doctorow
videos Deluded billionaire gives UC Irvine $200M to study homeopathy and "alternative" therapies Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Coming to Europe: a lecture tour with Garnet "Disobedient Electronics" Hertz Cory Doctorow
videos Philippines legislature sets annual budget for the national Commission on Human Rights: $19.53 Cory Doctorow
videos Blueborne is a newly revealed Bluetooth attack that allows wireless penetration of billions of devices Cory Doctorow
videos Voice assistants can be hacked by commanding them with inaudible ultrasonic speech Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Google researchers reveal automated process for removing watermarks from stock images Cory Doctorow