Technology Theft of CIA's 'Vault 7' hacking tools in 2016 resulted from "woefully lax" security, new report says Xeni Jardin
wikileaks U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning in hospital recovering from suicide attempt Mark Frauenfelder
trump Trump offered Assange pardon in exchange for covering up Russian DNC hack, says lawyer Mark Frauenfelder
law Jailed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's health is improving, and he's out of solitary – spokesman Xeni Jardin
trump CNN: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange got 'new computing & network hardware,' maybe hacked 2016 election data, in weird Ecuador embassy meetings Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Sleuthing from public sources to figure out how the Hateful Eight leaker was caught Cory Doctorow
wikileaks Chelsea Manning is going back to court tomorrow: you can help her by writing to the DoJ Cory Doctorow