tesla Watch how a Tesla in autopilot mode avoids plowing into a group of ducks crossing the road Mark Frauenfelder
web theory The far right is dominating the information wars through "keyword signaling" Cory Doctorow
World Mental Health Day It’s World Mental Health Day: A primer on depression for the public-at-large Maureen Herman
movies Storyboards, concept art, and more from Netflix's excellent new horror film In the Tall Grass John Struan
amish Police seek drivers of abandoned Amish buggy equipped with loud stereo and Michelob Ultra Jason Weisberger
guns California cops will only be allowed to kill people when "necessary" as opposed to the old "reasonable" Jason Weisberger
happy mutants J Michael Straczynski's "Becoming Superman": a memoir of horrific abuse, war crimes, perseverance, trauma, triumph and doing what's right Cory Doctorow
health Elizabeth Warren's bold, risky, well-intentioned plan to improve health outcomes for African-American mothers giving birth Cory Doctorow
epistemological crisis danah boyd explains the connection between the epistemological crisis and the rise of far-right conspiratorial thinking Cory Doctorow
Business Fool me twice: New York State commutes Charter's death sentence after Charter promises to stop breaking its promises Cory Doctorow