solidarity A generation after American "libertarians" helped with mass disappearances, torture and murder of left-wing activists, Frente Amplio surge in Chilean elections Cory Doctorow
sports Owen Morse sets hang gliding world record for piloting 222.22 miles over California's Owens Valley Xeni Jardin
cereal Kellogg's is releasing Green Onion-flavored Chex, and the commercial is absolutely bonkers Thom Dunn
Chaos in America, O.J. Simpson framed by cops, and Brad Pitt’s saggy butt, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
police Howard Stern and the Village People both fell for a satire article about the cop from the Village People Thom Dunn
politics Ferguson, Missouri elected its first black mayor who is also the first female mayor David Pescovitz
racism It's the 99th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre that destroyed "Black Wall Street" Thom Dunn
george floyd Minneapolis police have allegedly blinded a photojournalist permanently in one eye Thom Dunn
Business Trump administration gave coronavirus bailout money to private jet companies of Trump donors Xeni Jardin
politics Norma "Roe v. Wade" McCorvey was paid by conservatives to pretend to turn against abortion Rob Beschizza
politics U.S. appeals court rejects Trump's attempt to escape 'emoluments' lawsuit over D.C. Trump Hotel Xeni Jardin
picks 'We have met the moment and we have prevailed' — Trump declares victory on coronavirus as U.S. death toll passes 80,000 Xeni Jardin