volumetric displays This 3D display uses a single bead controlled by acoustic levitation Mark Frauenfelder
health Oklahoma Republicans introduce bill forcing doctors to warn abortion patients about the existence of an imaginary "reversible abortion" Cory Doctorow
machine learning Tumblr's porn filter blocked Tumblr's images illustrating what Tumblr's porn filter won't block Cory Doctorow
lawsuits NYC gynecologist files $1 million lawsuit against woman for 1-star Yelp review Mark Frauenfelder
Science Why Indonesia's Bajau people can stay submerged under water longer than you or me Seamus Bellamy
Science The Cuban "sonic weapon" attacks may actually have been "bad engineering," not attacks David Pescovitz
fake news Prince Charles’ love child, Jack Ruby’s faked murder, and Jennifer Aniston’s shattered world, in this week’s tabloids Peter Sheridan
mystery attacks Victims of mysterious attack at US embassy in Cuba now have "brain abnormalities" Mark Frauenfelder
lawsuits Lab tech students forced to perform vaginal probes on each other will get their day in court Mark Frauenfelder
politics Clinton medical info released after pneumonia, doc says 'fit to serve.' On Oz, Trump weighs in at 267 lbs. Xeni Jardin