coronavirus Wholesale restaurant supply chain opens to the public for the first time — I left with TP, milk, and more (photos/tips) Rusty Blazenhoff
china Robbers in Hong Kong steal 600 rolls of toilet paper, a hot commodity due to coronavirus David Pescovitz
Japan Tokyo installing public urinals made from iron to stop a rash of toilet smashing David Pescovitz
Gadgets Your toilet is your friend, these cool items can help you treat it like one Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids The multiverse, universal wave function and quantum mechanics in this week’s tawdry tabloids Peter Sheridan
corruption In Alabama, it's traditional for sheriffs who lose their elections to steal and waste money, destroy public property Cory Doctorow
Business Gary Cohn served Donald Trump for 14 months, and made billions for his old bosses at Goldman Sachs Cory Doctorow