animation Netflix to adapt Roald Dahl works into animated series, including 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'Matilda' Rusty Blazenhoff
star wars Star Wars origin story for Grand Admiral Thrawn is as wonderful as I hoped Jason Weisberger
security The virulent ransomware worm has been stopped (for now) by a hidden killswitch Cory Doctorow
High Society: take on the role of nouveau-riche twits attempting to out-ostentate each other Jon Seagull
art 'Fantastic Mr. Dahl' art show, in which artists interpret stories of the famed British author Xeni Jardin
navelgazing Irony Vigilante Bill Keller: NYT copyright infringement was "illustrative uploading" Rob Beschizza
Science Rethinking NIMBY: Why Wind Power Could Lead To New Ways of Defining (and Dealing With) Public Naysaying Maggie Koerth
Art and Design Creeps tear down hundreds of handsome posters for African gay/lesbian film fest Xeni Jardin