unsolved mysteries Unidentified object in Japan leaves people asking if it's a UFO…or a coronavirus contraption Carla Sinclair
racism Ahmaud Arbery: 2 months ago, unarmed black man shot and killed by civilians for jogging. Video just came out. Thom Dunn
grifters George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin's mother for $100M in order to promote a movie Thom Dunn
star wars Han and Greedo now shoot simultaneously in latest version of Star Wars: A New Hope Rob Beschizza
wikipedia Someone at the NRA has been quietly editing Holocaust Denial articles on Wikipedia Thom Dunn
china Hong Kong protests level up in countermeasures, tactics, art and deadly seriousness Cory Doctorow
guns Sting operation: the NRA explains to white nationalist Australian political party how to deflect gun control calls after a massacre Cory Doctorow
fake news Queen in drunken brawl, Prince Harry’s hell, and Meghan Markle’s secrets, in this week’s dubious Royal tabloids Peter Sheridan
law Badass Army: revenge-porn survivors teach each other digital and legal self-defense Cory Doctorow