Business Trump tweets crazy lies about NBC and Google Ads demonetizing far-right sites (they didn't) Xeni Jardin
occupy Seattle activists have established a 6-block autonomous zone around an abandoned police station Thom Dunn
tabloids Unstoppable plague, Doomsday is here, and Cruel Meghan, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
bully cops Florida cop handcuffs and arrests a 6-year-old girl for throwing a temper tantrum Carla Sinclair
brexit After Brexit, Britain may finally lose its Marbles — specifically the ones they stole from Greece Thom Dunn
families Dad tricks his toddlers to stop bawling by telling them to take turns crying Mark Frauenfelder
Arrested Development A fully-grown man takes an axe to his house and car when he thinks his wife messed with his action figures Carla Sinclair
picks Trump admin to unpaid federal workers who can't make rent: beg, barter, and get a lawyer. Xeni Jardin
art Liartown, USA leaves Tumblr over NSFW-ban; announces new 544-page Crap Hound book "devoted to images notable for their lack of positivity" Cory Doctorow
fake news Quantum mechanics and Kevin Spacey, JFK’s five assassins, and proof of reincarnation, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan