happy mutant Find the cuss words in these delightfully subversive 'swearing patterns' Rusty Blazenhoff
corruption Trump administration gave a $700M bailout to a $70M truck company after it allegedly defrauded the Pentagon Thom Dunn
Science Scientists: Saying "fuck" and other bad words really can decrease your feeling of pain David Pescovitz
tabloids Do the tabloids deserve a government bailout? This week’s dubious offerings make a poor case for their survival. Peter Sheridan
Business Biden says Section 230 tech liability shield should end for Facebook, Zuckerberg should be subject to civil liability Xeni Jardin
typography Tools to replace swear words with grawlixes: symbols suggesting anger and obscenity Rob Beschizza
law Juror's concern that man on trial didn't swear on the bible results in the verdict getting tossed David Pescovitz
happy mutants Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can't afford to rent a DC apartment Cory Doctorow
music World class trumpeter plays for stranded Canadians who, like him, are trapped in the snow Seamus Bellamy