scholarship Even if governments backdoor crypto, they still won't be able to spy on terrorists Cory Doctorow
tabloids Killing the Queen, John Lennon’s murder, and William Shatner’s talking horses in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Primary Sludge: "close fiction" from German utopian writer Sina Kamala Kaufmann Sina Kamala Kaufmann
cgi Watch: New Wave TV commercial for Hawaiian Punch with music by DEVO's Mark Mothersbaugh David Pescovitz
art New show of Scott Albrecht's exquisite deconstructed typographical art opening in L.A. David Pescovitz
Gadgets Haptic sneakers give you turn-by-turn directions through vibrations in your feet Cory Doctorow
happy mutants First Second Books: a look back at ten years of world-changing graphic publishing Cory Doctorow
Entertainment Subliminal penises and other bizarre FCC complaints about TV's MythBusters David Pescovitz