elections This Thanksgiving, don't have a political argument, have a "structured organizing conversation" Cory Doctorow
novels An interview with Charlie Kaufman about his new novel takes a weirdly meta Kaufman-esque turn Thom Dunn
Gadgets Your face mask is you so it better say something and maybe these 20 masks will speak to (and for) you Boing Boing's Shop
Gadgets Get over 65 hours of Big Data and Machine Learning training for less than $40 Boing Boing's Shop
Gadgets Working from home doesn’t have to crater your productivity or send you off the deep end Boing Boing's Shop
Weird "Clever Creature" is part podcast, part experimental variety show, and all perfectly weird Rusty Blazenhoff
books How To Train Your Robot, a free kids book by an engineer and his 10-year-old daughter David Pescovitz
Gadgets Prep for the Microsoft Azure cloud computing certifications with this training Boing Boing's Shop
canada Sidewalk Labs' quiet plan for Canada's banks to manage a national digital ID for health care and housing Lilian Radovac
finance "The People's Money": A crisp, simple, thorough explanation of how government spending is paid for Cory Doctorow
Games Gamers propose punishing Blizzard for its anti-Hong Kong partisanship by flooding it with GDPR requests Cory Doctorow
security Vancouver health system ignored warnings that its wireless paging system transmits sensitive patient data in the clear Cory Doctorow