Get 10 comprehensive project management training courses for just $50

With workforces scattered, timelines busted and a reign of general uncertainty gripping our world, experienced project managers have never been more valuable. Now that most companies and industries face unprecedented…

With workforces scattered, timelines busted and a reign of general uncertainty gripping our world, experienced project managers have never been more valuable. Now that most companies and industries face unprecedented belt-tightening and resource allocations, having a skilled project manager capable of successfully leading major initiatives while staying on time and on budget is an incalculable asset.

There’s still room for motivated job seekers to get on board the project management track by mastering the most popular PM methodologies with training like The Project Manager’s Essential Certification Bundle ft. Scrum, Agile and PMP.

Across 10 courses featuring more than 26 hours of instruction, students will dive into a complete overview of the entire project management field, examining each of the most popular ways of tackling a project and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each. Armed with that knowledge, you’ll be able to decide which method works best for each type of project.

Agile and its most popular offshoot approach Scrum are known for its fast, flexible structure keyed around incremental advances that are constantly open to change and adaptation. Courses like The Complete Jira Agile Project Management Course, The Complete Agile Scrum Product Owner Masterclass, and Product Management: Agile Requirements Using Product Backlog explore understanding Agile and Scrum terminologies and enacting those principles.

Meanwhile, students also dig into PMP methodologies based around the Waterfall approach that puts a much more structured and traditional spin on a well-defined seven project stage model. And there’s complete coverage of Kanban, which seeks to optimize project success by eliminating waste and banishing variations across the project timeline.

There even a Super Memory Essentials: Develop A Perfect Memory course to help make sure all the training, as well as everything else you learn, actually stays with you.

Finally, a pair of courses are also geared toward helping students pass Agile Scrum and PMP certification exams critical to building your resume as a well-training PM.

All this training can put you on the path to a career earning around $90,000 a year, and right now, it’s only $49.99.