france Real-life "Spider-Man" scales Parisian building to save dangling child, gets rewarded with citizenship Rusty Blazenhoff
spiderman Stripping the music from this 'Spider-Man 3' scene makes it even more uncomfortable to watch Rusty Blazenhoff
coronavirus Wholesale restaurant supply chain opens to the public for the first time — I left with TP, milk, and more (photos/tips) Rusty Blazenhoff
tv 1977 Woolworth TV commercial for Halloween masks, candy, and a record of spooky sounds Rusty Blazenhoff
happy mutants J Michael Straczynski's "Becoming Superman": a memoir of horrific abuse, war crimes, perseverance, trauma, triumph and doing what's right Cory Doctorow
Comics The best Joker is the woman Joker who snaps after a lifetime of being told to "smile, baby" by shitty men Cory Doctorow
politics Jabba the Hutt, Bruce Wayne, John Cleese among interns praised in Trump's Economic Report of the President Xeni Jardin
horror Stephen King's 1986 directorial debut 'Maximum Overdrive' is still tons of fun Jason Weisberger
heroes "Spiderman" who saved French child gets his dream job with Parisian fire brigade Seamus Bellamy