uk The UK's surveillance regulator changed names and dropped its domain, which is now squatted by a premature ejaculation scammer Cory Doctorow
law Appeals Court: Britain's Snoopers Charter is illegal mass surveillance and must be urgently reformed Cory Doctorow
security UK Tories say they'll exploit Manchester's dead to ban working crypto in the UK Cory Doctorow
politics Germany, France and the UK are moving the EU to continuous, unaccountable, warrantless mass surveillance Cory Doctorow
politics British politicians exempt themselves from warrantless spying under the Snoopers Charter Cory Doctorow
corruption The Snoopers Charter gives these 48 organisations unlimited, secret access to all UK browsing history Cory Doctorow
surveillance UK's new surveillance law creates a national browser history with a search engine to match Cory Doctorow
privacy The Snoopers Charter is now law in the UK: "extreme surveillance" rules the land Cory Doctorow
corruption Brexit is a victory for mass surveillance; EU rules Snoopers Charter is illegal Cory Doctorow
corruption UK cops routinely raided police databases to satisfy personal interest or make money on the side Cory Doctorow
uk MI5 warning: we're gathering more than we can analyse, and will miss terrorist attacks Cory Doctorow
privacy Study shows detailed, compromising inferences can be readily made with metadata Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Campaigners search Londoners' phones to help them understand the Snoopers Charter Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Cassetteboy's latest video is an amazing, danceable anti-Snoopers Charter mashup Cory Doctorow
surveillance Open letter from virtually every leading UK law light: Snooper's Charter not fit for purpose Cory Doctorow