Britons: don't let Trump mine your data

Charlie from Open Rights Group writes, "'I have made it clear in my campaign that I would support and endorse the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.' – Donald Trump, 15/2/2016."…

Charlie from Open Rights Group writes, "'I have made it clear in my campaign that I would support and endorse the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.' – Donald Trump, 15/2/2016."

"President Trump now has unrivalled access to data collected by UK intelligence agencies. And thanks to the UK's Investigatory Powers Act, the UK is collecting huge amounts of data about all our lives in Britain and around the world – in bulk.

Trump has threatened to use torture, ban Muslims from entering the US, and expand use of the death penalty. He plans to ban most refugees and suspend visas for people coming from majority-Muslim countries.

The Investigatory Powers Act is a careless law, passed by MPs who didn't consider future abuse. We can't let Trump use our data to strip away basic liberties.

Can the UK really continue listening in on our lives and putting the data in Trump's hands to use as he likes?

"Sign the petition now."