Romans 13:1-7 "God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong-Un," says evangelical Trump supporter Mark Frauenfelder
History For 13 years, this photographer has been building an incredible 3D digital model of Athens David Pescovitz
happy mutants John Scalzi's Collapsing Empire: an epic new space opera with snark, politics and action to burn Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The best thing you will read about the revelation that Captain America was a Nazi spy Cory Doctorow
Business Investing in David v Goliath: hundreds of millions slosh into litigation finance funds Cory Doctorow
Hypocrites with dark secrets The Kentucky clerk who is denying same-sex couples marriage licenses has been married 4 times Mark Frauenfelder
homophobia Defending Confederate flag, South Carolina legislator goes off on crazy anti-rainbows rant Xeni Jardin