Business LA Times demands that reporters sign away rights to books, movies and other works they create while working at the paper Cory Doctorow
infosec Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker Cory Doctorow
privacy The future of digital rights in the UK will start at ORGCon 17, London, Nov 4-5 Cory Doctorow
Business Brexit: UK Tories propose changing thousands of laws in secret, without Parliamentary oversight Cory Doctorow
Copyfight A copyright troll took down one of our favorite Tumblrs. Here's why it could happen to you. Xeni Jardin
videos New Zealand's Prime Minister: I'll stay in TPP's economic suicide-pact even if the USA pulls out Cory Doctorow
Business Investing in David v Goliath: hundreds of millions slosh into litigation finance funds Cory Doctorow
google Universal Music accused of using fraudulent DMCA notices as a negotiating tactic in licensing music from other labels Cory Doctorow
politics The YouTube videos of Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner, with full text transcripts Xeni Jardin