There has never been a moment in which digital rights in the UK were more up for grabs, between Brexit, sweeping new surveillance powers, and the accelerating drumbeat of the digitisation of every aspect of life and society.
The UK Open Rights Group will hold its annual gathering in London on Nov 4-5, featuring an outstanding lineup of speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds to debate the issues, formulate tactics and forge the future.
The event is $pound;15 for ORG members (£6/month — money very well spent!); £10 for the unwaged; and £40 for the general public.
ORGCon 2017 will bring together expert writers, lawyers, academics and technologists to discuss these threats and how we can fight back against those who want to undermine our human rights. Confirmed speakers include: Jamie Bartlett, Pandora Blake, Nighat Dad, Myles Jackman, Helen Lewis, Graham Lineham, Nanjira Sambuli, Noel Sharkey, and Audrey Tang.The topics up for discussion include killer robots, dystopian surveillance trends and how extremists are using the Internet. We'll look at how the online rights of people of colour, women, and other marginalised groups are being disproportionately affected by regressive laws and online abuse. But we'll also be talking about how the Internet has changed politics and campaigning for the good, and how we can harness this to give ordinary citizens a voice, and help to hold the powerful to account. Join us, and let the fightback begin!
Join Open Rights Group and get a FREE ticket to ORGCon17
(Disclosure: I helped found ORG and volunteer on its advisory council)