noaa New FOIA'd emails reveal the chaos behind the scenes of the National Weather Service's #SharpieGate Thom Dunn
Business If you bought shares in all the companies Trump trashed since taking office, you beat the market Cory Doctorow
voter suppression Trump's campaign against mail-in voting is backfiring by discouraging Republican absentee voters Thom Dunn
science fiction "Southland Tales" is the perfect hot mess of a movie for the 4th of July in the hellscape of 2020 Thom Dunn
tabloids America set to be nuked, anarchy in the US, and the men who knew too much, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
science fiction Philip K. Dick: "If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others" David Pescovitz
transgender Bank card makes it easier for trans and non-binary people to display their true names Thom Dunn
Tom the Dancing Bug Four years of Trumpist surrealism and horror in one Book: Into the Trumpverse, comics by Ruben Bolling Boing Boing
Virtual reality Digital synesthesia: Tricking your brain into experiencing smell as temperature in virtual reality David Pescovitz
Gadgets The Smart Beat monitor knows and studies your baby’s breathing as they sleep Boing Boing's Shop