Business A poor, Trump-voting Florida town opened a government grocery store to end its food desert, but it's "not socialism" Cory Doctorow
media theory The reporter on the NYT's Bernie Sanders beat consistently fails to identify her sources as corporate lobbyists Cory Doctorow
Business AT&T's dystopian advertising vision perfectly illustrates the relationship between surveillance and monopoly Cory Doctorow
gop Noam Chomsky takes ten minutes to explain everything you need to know about the Republican Party in 2019 Cory Doctorow
law The Antitrust Case Against Facebook: a turning point in the debate over Big Tech and monopoly Cory Doctorow
war criminals How Doonesbury helped turn George HW Bush into a mass-murdering war criminal Cory Doctorow
music THE BUREAU: Part Six, The History of Telepathic Infant-Based Mind Control of U.S. Presidents Ethan Persoff
guillotine watch Gilded Age watch: America's firefighting is turning into a two-tier system, with private services for the 1% Cory Doctorow
economics Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz on how the US economy became a "rigged, inherited plutocracy" and how to fix it Cory Doctorow
elections "Free market" conservatives, aghast at Big Tech's hostility, become overnight Roosevelt-style trustbusters Cory Doctorow
bong bong Explainer video looks at the three most common arguments against legalizing weed Mark Frauenfelder
jeff sessions Jeff Sessions to opioid users: "Sometimes you just need to take two Bufferin and go to bed" Carla Sinclair
trumpism Sources in Trump's White House report meetings to assemble a network of deniable wetwork/black ops spooks to target Trump's political enemies in the US and elsewhere Cory Doctorow
uspoli Architect of Reagan's tax cuts reminds us that tax cuts don't stimulate the economy Cory Doctorow
corruption Proposed Massachusetts law would let cops steal your car if it had a "hidden compartment" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants How science fiction writers' "design fiction" is playing a greater role in policy debates Cory Doctorow