offworld #GamesSoWhite hashtag attempts conversation about race in games, and goes as well as you'd expect Leigh Alexander
Comic Books Talking The Rough Pearl with Xeric Award-winning Canadian cartoonist Kevin Mutch Jeffery Klaehn
Gadgets This kit can help first timers create their own games and apps quickly with no experience needed Boing Boing's Shop
Gadgets These toys and games can keep the kids busy while you’re all trapped inside Boing Boing's Shop
corruption Olympics warns athletes that kneeling, fist-raising and other political actions will be banned at the Tokyo 2020 games Cory Doctorow
tabloids End of the British monarchy, FBI’s Epstein cover-up, and Mary Poppins’ orgy, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Consent in Gaming: a guide for GMs and players to difficult subjects for amazing games Cory Doctorow